Monday, February 25, 2013

Follow these students!

Bringing Philanthropy into Harmony!

As I shared last week, the students at Harmony High School are now into week two of Main Street Philanthropy.  If you enjoy seeing the lives of teenagers transformed in an amazingly positive program, you really ought to follow along their blogs

They're just getting started, but pay attention as they share their insights, lessons learned, and perspectives of the world and how they can (and will!) make a difference. 

Each time we start a new class, I have a renewed spirit, a new excitement and thrill with the good that can be done in our lives.  We're inundated with so much tragedy and sorrow in the world, let's focus on how groups of students are pooling their efforts to make a positive impact. 

With Main Street Philanthropy, we're developing and inspiring the next generation of philanthropists by helping students experience the joy of intelligent giving! 

Join Us!!

Want to learn about how to bring philanthropy to your school or group?  Interested in participating in changing the lives of students?  Drop me a note; I'd love to share how it works!  

~ RyP

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bringing Philanthropy to Harmony, Florida!

Today is the day!  Main Street Philanthropy is entering the lives of another group of students, this time at Harmony High School in Harmony, Florida!  Led by Scott Farnsworth, this group is about to embark on an adventure that will impact their lives for many years to come. 

I'm so excited about the progress and upgrades we've made to program in the past 8-10 months - more hands on exercises, the development of our MAD (Make A Difference) Cards to help participants identify their personal passions and concerns, and an upgraded workbook to guide them through the experience. 

For the next 8-weeks, the students of Harmony High will embark on an adventure to identify their personal passions and concerns, find organizations that support their cause, evaluate them - quantitative and qualitative, then make a financial investment in their long term success.  I'm thrilled for them, I'm thrilled for Scott, I'm thrilled for the organizations that will receive the support, and for all the people whose lives will be touched by hearing the stories that these students will share. 

Please join me in wishing them a wonderful experience! 
